Chair’s Message
International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery
(ISMISS) was founded in 1989 under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Parviz
Kambin and is currently one of the leading organizations working to
further the progress of minimally invasive spinal surgery in the world.
First of all, I would like to thank my esteemed colleagues and seniors who nominated me as the head of the Turkish branch of such a well-established organization.
Minimally invasive procedures in spine surgeries are becoming more and more popular and their applicability are becoming more widespread worldwide with furthering technology and advancements in minimally invasive surgical techniques. Many surgeries previously thought to be impossible to perform using minimally invasive techniques can now be easily executed.
Turkish spine surgeons play an important role in the field of spine surgery around the world and here at the Turkish chapter of ISMISS, our primary mission is to raise awareness and educate Turkish spine surgeons on minimally invasive spine surgery techniques.
We aim to also share the knowledge and experience of Turkish and international minimally invasive spine surgeons with spine surgeons in our own country.
With this mission in mind, I invite all neuro and ortho spine surgeons, to continue to support and contribute to the Turkish chapter of ISMISS.
Kindest regards,
Prof. Dr. H. Yener Erken